Úvodná stránka » Monitoring a úschova

Monitoring a úschova

Monitoring Overview

Monitoring is the appropriate observation and collection of information of objects and items.

Measures of monitoring serve in retaining your investments.

Aim of this measure is to protect a certain object against destruction, damage or unauthorized access.

Beside our product range we also develop tailored solutions specifically to customer requirements and conditions.

Our modular products for monitoring and logging of unauthorized accesses for a variety of objects can be easily integrated into existing systems.

Top položky 

EAP Alarmpaket 

Extrtémne miniatúrny flexibilný farbiaci systém.
Jediným vysielačom riadený systém pre použitie v pokladniach a trezoroch

Použutie v bankách, poštách, maloobchode, čerpacích staniciach
Použitie aj s najmenším nominálom.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém.
Trezor, ktorý počíta.
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky.
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England).

IBP-ce s.r.o.