Úvodná stránka » Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash-Management Overview

Managing the daily money management and measures of temporary financial management in the company.

Cash Management covers all tasks and actions that will be carried out to ensure liquidity and to achieve the highest possible efficiency in liquidity management.

Cash management goes beyond a pure financial management, as an active, goal-oriented management of liquidity is carried out with the aim of ensuring and maintaining the solvency of a company.

As a tool of financial planning cash management is aligned with short term planning period of a few days and plans the liquidity for the next few days based on available information about incoming and outgoing cash flows.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém
Trezor, krorý počíta
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England)

Top položky 

EAP Alarmpaket 

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Použutie v bankách, poštách, maloobchode, čerpacích staniciach
Použitie aj s najmenším nominálom.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém.
Trezor, ktorý počíta.
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky.
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England).

IBP-ce s.r.o.